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Low Conflict Divorces Impact Children More Than You Think: Why Healthy Disagreements are Important for Future Relationships

Low Conflict Divorces Impact Children More Than You Think: Why Healthy Disagreements are Important for Future Relationships

May 30, 2023 Rose H. Stout

Did you know that over half of all divorces result from low-conflict relationships? This may seem surprising, but it’s true. When a marriage ends in divorce, especially one that was low conflict, the impact on children can be devastating. Think about it: children from low-conflict families see their family as a place of security and stability where everything is okay. But when their parents suddenly decide to divorce, the very core and foundation of their world are shaken.

The effects of low-conflict parents’ divorce

Now, I’m not saying that parents should ramp up their conflicts just to avoid a low-conflict divorce. However, I believe it’s important for children to see their parents disagreeing and healthily managing disputes. This can help them learn essential life skills and prepare them for future relationships.

Why family law matters

When a marriage does end in divorce, it’s crucial for parents to seek the guidance of a child psychologist to determine what information should be shared with their children and when. This will vary depending on the ages and maturity levels of the children involved. By planning the separation with enough specificity to manage the children’s expectations and fears, parents can help minimize psychological problems and the emotional impact of the divorce.

Sustainable co-parenting relationships

It’s important to remember that parenting doesn’t end with divorce. Co-parenting after a low-conflict divorce can be challenging, but it’s essential for the well-being of your children. By managing your expectations and working with your ex-spouse, you can create a healthy and stable environment for your children to thrive. It is also important to consider remarriages or relationships of the ex-spouse to ensure the well-being of the child is always being met.

Work with a trust divorce lawyer today

At Smith Debnam law firm, we have a professional team of divorce attorneys who are here to help you navigate low-conflict divorce to guarantee the best outcome for your children. Contact us today to learn more.

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